Saturday, March 24, 2007

3 in one day I'm doin' great!

ok so 3 blog posts in one day isn't really that much when you take into account the fact that it covers a three month period...hey one a month, I'm practically up to date :)...I feel better when I look at it that way...ok ok enough with the rambling now

Calc 3 is going ok though the teacher is still as confusing as ever...just pray I survive...that is the goal C- and I'll be happy.....My other classes are going ok or even better than ok. My big problem right now is figuring out my schedule for next year. It seems that math and art classes are very hard to schedule together.

There's still no boy for those of you who are curious about things like that. But don't worry, cause I'm not. I recently went through four weeks of white glove...3 custodial ones and 1 was hectic, it was crazy, it was loads of fun.....Also in recent roommate from last year the wonderful AlliAllison got a car which is what has enabled me to make all of these wonderful posts today....lovely day and all....hopefully y'all will be hearing from me soon....if you don't think you hear from me often enough, send an e-mail, pick up the phone, you know the drill....I'm a busy college student, so I don't always think to call.....

Some pictures for your viewing pleasure

White Glove theme was Cowboys and Indians
(I guess I deserved it, I'm wearing a black hat)

Valentines Day Door Signs

me and a random friend Sarah


IT snowed!!!!! back in February that is....I know that was a while ok but I haven't had unfiltered internet access since then so I couldn't say anything about it. I was very good timing. It was already supposed to be a day of prayer on campus so day of prayer got moved to a later date and we had a day of rest. For those who don't know what that means classes got canceled...mostly cause they knew all the townies would skip anyway....It was so much fun. I spent hours outside just walking around and taking pictures (all in all about 600 which breaks my previous record of 250 in one day). I witnessed snowball fights, ingenious ideas for snowman, and just the prettiness of campus all covered in snow. I'm going to add a few pictures here of that day....

The snow man < was built by a girl who was born and raised in Guam. She had never seen snow before this day...

school and life

ok mom never posted this but i finally got off campus so here's what was supposed to be here.... (note: I lost the copy of the one about snow day so i'll write that one again and hopefully get it on soon with some the mean time)

More recently....we just got midterm grades, though I really didn't have any midterm tests. I am officially passing Calc 3! this may not sound like a big deal to all of you geniuses out there, but I was having a spot of trouble there...I'm passing all classes with at least a C some B's and two B's are just a smidge from A- so we'll see what I can do about that :)

I have started my big project for calligraphy and I'm doing a somewhat artsy quote about art major friend of mine and I were discussing it and we're trying to find an interesting shape to write it in...we've been looking at some fractal patterns....I have decided I love fractals....Do I get to learn about those, Nique?

Anyway, since I've been having so much fun with fractals I thought I'd share a few with you :)

note: some of these are very busy and make some people feel sick....a few are courtesy of feel free to go and check out some of the awesome fractals