Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Randomness of Life

I wouldn't have pegged the people in my family for the blogging type. I am, but I just never saw it coming. I go off to college this semester and next thing I know my dad, my brother-in-law, then my sister and shock of all shocks my mother have blogs. It's kinda cool though. I had a blog on another network, but I wanted to be close to my family so I started this one. We'll see how good I am at keeping up with

Laterz ppl


MathMommy said...

I love your blog name, Roca. If you want to see some of the art of math, check out the heptakaidecagon contstruction. It's way cool. As for the math in art, you'll have to help educate me on that one later.

T²AM said...

actually, I had planned to avoid having a blog. Figured I wouldn't update it enough for people, and they would nag me about it. Later, I realized it could be useful. I look forward to seeing what you write.