Monday, May 21, 2007

Korea or Bust! #2

Yesterday (Monday) I went to school with my sister and of course to all her classes. All the kids got to say their name to me and introduce themselves. They asked me some of the randomest questions. I got to help out a little. I answered a few questions for some of the students and I made photocopies and all sorts of interesting stuff like that. Believe it or not for me that was fun. I'm getting to ready to leave again for another day as it is Tuesday morning. (For those on the east coast I am 13 hours ahead of you)

Saturday we went to this place, I can't remember how to spell it I'll put the correct spelling in later, but it's pronounced E-tay-won ....It's like the tourist shopping place and stuff. They even have a starbucks over there....well, more later, I need to go


purple44444 said...

Yep, you've only been there how many hours? And you've already found the Starbucks. Hehehe.

Roca said...

What's wrong with that! I can't see your profile :(

purple44444 said...

That's because I don't have one! LOL I'll have to work on that. ;)